API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbField Class
OdDbField Class
class OdDbField : public OdDbObject;


This class represents Field objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.

Field objects store both the Field expression and their evaluated values. 

Fields can be evaluated by an evaluator to any one of the following data types: Long, Double, String, Date, Point, 3dPoint, ObjectId, Buffer, and Resbuf. 


This is OdDbField, a member of class OdDbField. 
This is record OdDbField::EvalContext. 
This is record OdDbField::EvalOption. 
This is record OdDbField::EvalStatus. 
This is record OdDbField::FieldCodeFlag. 
This is record OdDbField::FilingOption. 
This is record OdDbField::State. 
Returns the number of child fields in this Field object. 
Returns the data type of this Field object in the specified form. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the evaluated Field object. 
Returns the evaluation option of this Field object. 
Returns the evaluation status of this Field object. 
Returns the ID of the evaluator for this Field object. 
Returns the filing option of this Field object. 
Returns the specified child field in this Field object, and opens it in the specified mode.
Returns the data for the specified key of this Field object.
Returns the field code of this Field object in the specified form..
Returns the output format for this Field object. 
This is getHyperlink, a member of class OdDbField. 
This is the overview for the getValue method overload. 
This is hasHyperlink, a member of class OdDbField. 
Returns true if and only if this Field object is text with child fields. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbField. 
Adds this Field object and its Child objects to the specified database.
Removes the specified field from the field dictionary of this object.
This is removeHyperlink, a member of class OdDbField. 
Sets the data for the specified key of this Field object.
Sets the evaluation option for this Field object.
Sets the ID of the evaluator for this Field object.
Adds the specified field to the field dictionary of this object.
Sets the field code of this Field object in the specified form.
Sets the filing option for this Field object. 
Sets the output format for this Field object.
This is setHyperlink, a member of class OdDbField. 
Sets this Field object as a property of the specified object, and adds it to the database.
Returns the state of this Field object. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
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