API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDwgFiler Class
OdDbDwgFiler Class
class OdDbDwgFiler : public OdDbFiler;


This class is the abstract base class for classes that are used for file I/O operations with the .dwg file format. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db 


This is OdDbDwgFiler, a member of class OdDbDwgFiler. 
This is addReference, a member of class OdDbDwgFiler. 
Returns true if and only if this filer object is used to store/read revision control format. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbDwgFiler. 
Returns the memory address value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the bool value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the specified number of bytes from this Filer object.  
Returns the handle value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the double value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the extrusion value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the HardOwnershipId value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the HardPointerId value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the Int16 value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the Int32 value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the Int64 value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the Int8 value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the 2D point value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the 3D point value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the scale value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the SoftOwnershipId value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the SoftPointerId value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the string value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the thickness value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the UInt8 value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the 2D vector value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Returns the 3D vector value of the current item of this Filer object. 
Moves the I/O pointer to the specified location in this Filer object.
Returns the current I/O pointer position of this Filer object. 
Returns true if and only if this Filer object wishes to see all object references. 
Writes the specified memory address value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified bool value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified number of bytes to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified handle value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified double value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified extrusion value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified HardOwnershipId value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified HardPointerId value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified Int16 value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified Int32 value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified Int64 value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified Int8 value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified 2D point value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified 3D point value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified 3D scale value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified SoftOwnershipId value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified SoftPointerId value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified string value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified thickness value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified UInt8 value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified 2D vector value to this Filer object.  
Writes the specified 3D vector value to this Filer object.  
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