API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbRasterImageDef Class
OdDbRasterImageDef Class
class OdDbRasterImageDef : public OdDbObject;


This virtual base class defines raster image definition objects in an OdDbDatabase instance. Corresponding C++ library: ISM

Raster image definitions (OdDbRasterImageDef objects) work with raster image (OdDbRasterImage) entities in much the same way that block table records (OdDbBlockTableRecord objects) work with block references (OdDbBlockReference entities). 



This is OdDbRasterImageDef, a member of class OdDbRasterImageDef. 
Returns the actual file name of the raster image associated with this raster image definition object. 
DOM-IGNORE-BEGIN comment this out for a while
int colorDepth() const; OdGiSentScanLines* makeScanLines( const OdGiRequestScanLines* pReq, const OdGeMatrix2d& pixToScreen, OdGePoint2dArray* pActiveClipBndy = 0, // Data will be modified! bool draftQuality = false, bool isTransparent = false, const double brightness = 50.0, const double contrast = 50.0, const double fade = 0.0 ) const; OdString searchForActivePath(); void embed(); // this function is not implemented in ARX bool isEmbedded() const; OdString fileType() const; void setUndoStoreSize(unsigned int maxImages = 10); unsigned int undoStoreSize() const; bool imageModified() const; void setImageModified(bool modified); void loadThumbnail(OdUInt16& maxWidth, OdUInt16& maxHeight, OdUInt8* pPalette = 0, int nPaletteEntries = 0); void... more 
Creates an image dictionary, if it is not already present, in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the number of raster images associated with this raster image definition object.
Returns the OdGiRasterImage object associated with this RasterImageDef object. 
Returns the object ID of the image dictionary in the specified OdDbDatabase instance.  
Returns true if and only if the image file for this raster image definition object is loaded (DXF 280). 
Loads the source image file for this raster image definition object.
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbRasterImageDef. 
Returns the default physical pixel size, in mm/pixel, of the image for this raster image definition object (DXF 10). 
Returns the resolution units for the image for this raster image definition object (DXF 281). 
Sets the actual file name of the raster image associated with this raster image definition object.
Creates an image from the specified OdGiRasterImage object.  
Sets the default physical pixel size, in mm/pixel, of the image for this raster image definition object (DXF 10). 
Sets the resolution units for the image for this raster image definition object (DXF 281). 
Sets the name of the source file containing the raster image for this raster image definition object (DXF 1).
Returns the XY pixel size of the image for this raster image definition (DXF 10). 
Returns the name of the source file containing the raster image for this raster image definition object (DXF 1). 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Called as the first operation of the handOverTo function.
Modifies the original image filename to return a new image name suitable for an image dictionary.  
Unloads the image for this raster image definition object.
Causes all raster images associated with this raster image definition object to be redrawn.
remarks Associated raster images will be redrawn after any modifications to this raster image definition object (e.g., load, unload, etc.). 
This is nested type OdDbRasterImageDef::Units. 
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