API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDatabase Class
OdDbDatabase Class
class OdDbDatabase : public OdDbObject;


This class represents a complete drawing file.



Destroys a database instance. 
Terminates a call to deepCloneObjects() or wblockCloneObjects().
Aborts the current transaction associated with this database object. 
Returns the identifier of the active viewport for this database. 
Adds an object to this database object, and returns its Object ID.
Adds the specified reactor to this object's reactor list.
Increments the reference count of this object. 
Adds a transaction reactor to this database object.
Applies a partial undo operation.
Returns the approximate number of objects in this database object. 
Returns the OdDbHostAppServices object associated with this database object. 
Performs an audit operation on the header of this database object.
Performs an audit operation on the this entire database object.
Returns the pointer to OdDbAuditInfo if the database is being loaded from a file in recover modem, otherwise returns Null. 
Blocks or unblocks undo history recording.
Returns the identifier of the by-block material for this database. 
Returns the identifier of the by-layer material for this database. 
Returns the current annotation scale as a context object for this database. 
Returns the class DXF name for the specified class.
Clears undo history. 
Returns a count of hard references to each of the specified object IDs.
Returns the number of layouts in this database object. 
Creates a new layout with the specified name in this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the active layout of this database object. 
This is dataLinkDictionary, a member of class OdDbDatabase. 
This is dataLinkDictionaryId, a member of class OdDbDatabase. 
Deep clones a set of objects and appends the clones to the specified owner object.
Deletes the specified layout from this database object.
Returns the object ID of the current DetailViewStyle of this database object. 
Returns the R14 DIMFIT system variable of this database object. 
Returns the R14 DIMUNIT system variable of this database object. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Enables graphics flushing.
Ends the current transaction associated with this database object. 
Enqueues the object paging, mark it for paging in next call to pageObjects(). 
Returns the OdFileDependencyManager object of this database object. 
Returns the name of the active layout of this database object.
Returns the object ID of the specified layout in this database object.
Flush all the changes made during first transaction started on this database object. 
Flushes the graphics in this database. 
Returns the current formatter for units in this database. 
Returns the object ID of the BlockTableRecord associated with the active layout of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the BlockTable of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the Color dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the DetailViewStyle dictionary of this database object.  
Returns true if current dimension style is annotative. 
Returns the child dimension style data and dimension style object identifier.
Returns the identifier of the child dimension style.
Copies the dimension variables of this database object to the specified DimStyleTableRecord.
Returns the identifier of the parent dimension style.
Returns the object ID of the "Standard" dimension style object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the DimStyleTable of this database object. 
Returns the name of the file associated with this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the Group dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the specified system layer object of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the "DEFPOINTS" layer object of this database object.  
Returns the OdDbLayerStateManager object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the LayerTable of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the "0" layer object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the Layout dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the "ByBlock" Linetype object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the "ByLayer" Linetype object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the "Continuous" Linetype object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the LinetypeTable of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the Material dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the MLeaderStyle dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the MLineStyle dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the ModelSpace Block object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the NamedObjects dictionary of this database object. 
Requires a lineweight and returns the nearest OdDb::LineWeight enum number for this database. For example, when the passed value is 8, the returned value is kLnWt009.
Returns the object ID corresponding to the specified handle object in this database.
Returns the object ID of the PaperSpace Block object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the PlotSettings dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the PlotStyleName dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the object ID of the point cloud dictionary. 
Returns the UCS origin and orthographic view type for the current PaperSpace UCS.
Returns the object ID of the "ACAD" RegApp object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the RegAppTable of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the ScaleList dictionary of this database object.
Returns the object ID of the section manager. 
Returns the object ID of the SectionViewStyle dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the specified system variable of this database object.
Returns the object ID of the TableStyle dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the TDCREATE system variable of this database object. 
Returns the TDUPDATE system variable of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the "Standard" text style object of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the TextStyleTable of this database object. 
Returns the UCS origin and orthographic view type for the current UCS.
Returns the object ID of the UCSTable of this database object. 
Returns the quantity of undo markers. 
Returns the object ID of the ViewportTable of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the ViewTable of this database object. 
Returns the object ID of the VisualStyle dictionary of this database object.  
Returns the identifier of the global material for this database. 
Returns the next available handle number of this database object. 
Returns true if redo information exists for this database object. 
Returns true if undo information exists for this database object. 
Returns whether an undo marker has been set on this database object (returns true) or not (returns false). 
returns OdDb::IndexingModeFlags combination 
Adds the default set of objects and settings to this database object. 
This is the overview for the insert method overload. 
Returns true if and only if this database object is being converted after loading from a file or before saving to a file. 
Returns true if and only if this database object is being loaded from a file. 
Returns true if and only if this database object was created by an educational version of the application. 
  • details If multi-threaded mode is on, the method returns true. In the other case it returns false.
Returns true if and only if this database object is partially opened. 
Returns true if per object converting mode is used for this database object. 
Returns whether undo history recording has been blocked (returns true) or not (returns false). 
Requires a lineweight and returns True if the specified lineweight is valid, that is, one of the predefined lineweights in this database, or False otherwise.
Returns the version to which this database object was last saved.
Loads a linetype into this database object.
Returns the object ID of the current MLeaderStyle of this database object. 
Returns which multi-threaded mode the database currently uses. 
Adds the specified name to the APPID table of this database object.
Returns the number of active transactions associated with this database object. 
Returns the number of times this database object has been saved since it was opened. 
Returns the OdDbObjectContextManager object of this database object. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbDatabase. 
Returns the name of the file this database object was loaded from. Can return empty string in case database was created from scratch. 
Returns the version of the application that created the file from which this database object was read.
Returns the filetype of the file from which this database object was read. 
Returns the version of the file from which this database object was read.
Pages the database objects that have been marked for paging since the last call to this function. 
This is the overview for the purge method overload. 
This is the overview for the readFile method overload. 
Performs a redo operation on this database object. 
Decrements the reference count of this object. 
Removes the specified reactor from this object's reactor list.
Removes the specified transaction reactor from this database object.
Renames the specified layout in this database object.  
Resets TDCREATE, TDUPDATE, TDINDWG and TDUSRTIMER system variables to the settings of the new drawing. 
Returns the database to its modified state (before any original state restoration) by redoing modifications. 
Returns the database to its original state (when the xref was first read) by undoing any modifications. 
Returns the state of the RetainOriginalThumbnailBitmap flag. 
This is the overview for the save method overload. 
Returns the object ID of the current SectionViewStyle of this database object. 
Returns the security parameters of this database object.
Sets a new annotation scale as a context object for this database.  
This is the overview for the setCurrentLayout method overload. 
This is the overview for the setCurrentUCS method overload. 
Sets the object ID of the current DetailViewStyle of this database object.  
Sets the R14 DIMFIT system variable of this database object.
This is the overview for the setDimstyleData method overload. 
Sets the R14 DIMUNIT system variable of this database object.
Forcibly sets the name of the current file for this database instance.
param nIndexingModeBitFlags[in] OdDb::IndexingModeFlags combination 
Sets the object ID of the current MLeaderStyle of this database object.  
Sets a new multi-threaded mode for the database.
param [in] A new value of multi-threaded mode to be set. 
Sets the UCS origin and orthographic view type for the current PaperSpace UCS.
Controls the state of the RetainOriginalThumbnailBitmap flag.
Sets the object ID of the current SectionViewStyle of this database object.  
Sets the security parameters of this database object.
Sets the specified system variable of this database object.
Sets the object ID of the current TableStyle of this database object.  
Sets the thumbnail bitmap associated with this database object. 
Sets the UCS origin and orthographic view type for the current UCS.
Sets an undo marker on this database object. 
Starts a new transaction of this database object. 
Starts undo recording of this database object. 
Returns the GUID of the database class. 
As implemented, this function does nothing but return a null SmartPointer. It will be fully implemented in a future release. 
Returns the object ID of the current TableStyle of this database object. 
Returns the thumbnail bitmap associated with this database object. 
Performs an undo operation on this database object. 
Performs the undo operation on this database object. 
Returns the current object used for udo file input/output operations. 
Recalculates the extents of this database object.
Returns the true if OdDbDatabase instance is restricted to use only core objects. In such mode implementation of OdDbDatabase::initialize() for example will not create some objects like dimension style table and default dimension style or default multi-line style. Default implementation simply returns 'false' 
Returns the version of this database object.
This is the overview for the wblock method overload. 
Shallow clones a set of objects and appends the clones to the specified owner object.
This is the overview for the writeFile method overload. 
Returns the object ID of the OdDbBlockTableRecord that references this database object as an Xref. 
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