API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDatabase Class > OdDbDatabase Methods > OdDbDatabase::getDimstyleChildData Method
OdDbDatabase::getDimstyleChildData Method
OdResult getDimstyleChildData(const OdRxClass * pDimClass, OdDbDimStyleTableRecord* pRec, OdDbObjectId & style) const;
const OdRxClass * pDimClass 
[in] A pointer to a dimension class instance.  
OdDbDimStyleTableRecord* pRec 
[out] A pointer to an output dimension styles table record, which should contain child dimension style data after the method returns the control.  
OdDbObjectId & style 
[out] Identifier of the output style object.

Returns eOk if style data has been retrieved successfully or an error code in the other case.

Returns the child dimension style data and dimension style object identifier. 


The method returns parent style information and identifier if the child style can not be retrieved.

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