API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDatabase Class > OdDbDatabase Methods > OdDbDatabase::getOdDbObjectId Method
OdDbDatabase::getOdDbObjectId Method
OdDbObjectId getOdDbObjectId(const OdDbHandle& objHandle, bool createIfNotFound = false, OdUInt32 xRefId = 0);
const OdDbHandle& objHandle 
[in] Database handle.  
bool createIfNotFound = false 
[in] Controls the creation of the object if it does not exist.  
OdUInt32 xRefId = 0 
[in] Not used. 

Returns the object ID corresponding to the specified handle object in this database. 


If objHandle is 0, this function will create a new unique handle and return a newly created object ID corresponding to this handle. 

createIfNotFound is for internal use only and should always be false for client applications.


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