API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbDatabase Class > OdDbDatabase Methods > OdDbDatabase::setUCSBASEORG Method
OdDbDatabase::setUCSBASEORG Method
void setUCSBASEORG(OdDb::OrthographicView viewType, const OdGePoint3d& origin);
OdDb::OrthographicView viewType 
[in] Orthographic view type. 
const OdGePoint3d& origin 
[in] The WCS origin of the UCS.  

Sets the UCS origin and orthographic view type for the current UCS. 


viewType must be one of the following: 


Name Value View type 
OdDb::kNonOrthoView 0 Non-orthographic with respect to the UCS 
OdDb::kTopView 1 Top view with respect to the UCS 
OdDb::kBottomView 2 Bottom view with respect to the UCS 
OdDb::kFrontView 3 Front view with respect to the UCS 
OdDb::kBackView 4 Back view with respect to the UCS 
OdDb::kLeftView 5 Left view with respect to the UCS 
OdDb::kRightView 6 Right view with respect to the UCS 
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