API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbArcDimension Class
OdDbArcDimension Class
class OdDbArcDimension : public OdDbDimension;


This class represents Arc Dimension entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.

An Arc Dimension entity dimensions the length of an arc.



This is OdDbArcDimension, a member of class OdDbArcDimension. 
Returns the arc parameter of this Dimension entity's second definition point. 
Returns the WCS point defining the location of dimension arc for this Dimension entity. 
Returns the arc parameter of this Dimension entitiy's first definition point. 
Returns the type of arc symbol used within the dimension text of this Dimension entity. 
Returns the WCS vertex of the arc being dimensioned by this Dimension entity. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns true if and only if this Dimension entity has a leader drawn to resolve ambiguity. 
Returns true if and only if this Dimension entity was specified using two points along the arc. 
Returns the start point of the extra leader of this Dimension entity. 
Returns the end point of the extra leader of this Dimension entity. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbArcDimension. 
Sets the arc parameter of this Dimension entity's second definition point.  
Sets the WCS point defining the location of dimension arc for this Dimension entity.  
Sets the arc parameter of this Dimension entity's first definition point.  
Sets the type of arc symbol used within the dimension text of this Dimension entity. 
Sets the WCS vertex of the arc being dimensioned by this Dimension entity.  
Determines if this Dimension entity has a leader drawn to resolve ambiguity.  
Controls the specification of this Dimension entity with two points along the arc.  
Sets the start point of the extra leader of this Dimension entity.  
Sets the end point of the extra leader of this Dimension entity.  
Sets the WCS start point of the first extension line of this Dimension entity.
Sets the WCS start point of the second extension line of this Dimension entity.
Returns the WCS start point of the first extension line of this Dimension entity. 
Returns the WCS start point of the second extension line of this Dimension entity. 
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