API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbOsnapPointRef Class
OdDbOsnapPointRef Class
class OdDbOsnapPointRef : public OdDbPointRef;


This is OdDbOsnapPointRef, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
Reads the .dwg file format data of this object from the specified file.
Writes the .dwg file format data of this object to the specified filer.
This is dxfInFields, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
Writes the DXF format data of this object to the specified filer.
This is evalPoint, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is getEntities, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is getIdPath, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is getIntIdPath, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is getXrefHandles, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is getXrefIntHandles, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
Returns a reference to the OdDbXrefFullSubentPath of the intersecting entity for the OsnapPointRef object. 
This is isGeomErased, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is isXrefObj, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is the overview for the lastPointRef method overload. 
Returns a reference to the OdDbXrefFullSubentPath of the main entity for the OsnapPointRef object. 
Returns the near Osnap value for this OsnapPointRef object. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
Returns the object snap mode for this OsnapPointRef object. 
Returns a reference to the Osnap point for this OsnapPointRef object. 
This is setIdPath, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is setIntIdPath, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
Sets the last OsnapPointRef for this OsnapPointRef object.  
Returns the near Osnap value for this OsnapPointRef object.  
Sets the object snap mode for this OsnapPointRef object. 
This is setPoint, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is setXrefHandles, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is setXrefIntHandles, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is updateDueToMirror, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is updateSubentPath, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
This is updateXrefSubentPath, a member of class OdDbOsnapPointRef. 
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