API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLayerTableRecord Class
OdDbLayerTableRecord Class
class OdDbLayerTableRecord : public OdDbSymbolTableRecord;



This class implements the layer record object, which represents a layer in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of named records.


Example of Working with the Layer Table Object 

Example of Working with the Layer Record Object 

Working with Layers 

OdDbLayerTable class

Builds an instance of the layer record object. 
This is the overview for the color method overload. 
Returns the color index for the layer record object (DXF 62). When the color method is set to byColor, this method returns an equivalent color index. 
Returns the description for the layer record object. 
Returns a pointer to the OdGiDrawable for the object. If the object doesn't have an associated OdGiDrawable object, this function returns NULL. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Reads the DXF R12 format data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
This is hasAnyOverrides, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is hasOverrides, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
Determines whether the layer record object is invisible and accessible for regenerating, printing, selecting, and editing (DXF 70, bit 0x01) and returns True if the layer is frozen or False if the layer is thawed. 
This is the overview for the isHidden method overload. 
Determines whether the layer record object is in-use when the generateUsageData() method is called and returns True if the layer is in-use, or False if the layer is not use. 
Determines whether the layer record object is accessible for selecting and editing (DXF 70, bit 0x04) and returns True if the layer is locked or False if the layer is editable. 
Determines whether the layer record object is invisible (DXF 62, negative is off, positive is on) and returns True if the layer is off (invisible) or False if the layer is on (visible). 
Determines whether the layer record object is accessible for printing (DXF 290) and returns True if the layer is plottable or False if the layer is unplottable. 
This is the overview for the isReconciled method overload. 
This is the overview for the linetypeObjectId method overload. 
This is the overview for the lineWeight method overload. 
Returns the ID of the material object associated with the layer record object (DXF 347) or OdDb::kNULL when the layer is not associated with material. This material is used when the Material property of an entity belonged to this layer is set to ByLayer value. 
This is the overview for the plotStyleName method overload. 
This is the overview for the plotStyleNameId method overload. 
This is removeAllOverrides, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is removeColorOverride, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is removeLinetypeOverride, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is removeLineWeightOverride, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is removePlotStyleOverride, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is removeTransparencyOverride, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is removeViewportOverrides, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is the overview for the setColor method overload. 
Sets the color index for the layer record object (DXF 62) as an Integer value. The initial value is 7 (Foreground) by default.
Sets the description for the layer record object as a String value up to 255 letters length. The initial value is an empty string.
Sets the Freeze status as a Boolean value (DXF 70, bit 0x01). The initial value is False (Thawed) by default.
Sets the Hidden status as a Boolean value. The initial value is False (Shown) by default.
Sets the Lock status as a Boolean value (DXF 70, bit 0x04). The initial value is False (Editable) by default.
Sets the On-Off status as a Boolean value (DXF 62). The initial value is False (Visible) by default.
Sets the Plot status as a Boolean value (DXF 290). The initial value is True (Plottable) by default.
Sets the Reconcile status as a Boolean value.
This is the overview for the setLinetypeObjectId method overload. 
This is the overview for the setLineWeight method overload. 
Sets the ID of the material object for the layer record object (DXF 347) as an ObDbObjectId instance. This method associates layer and material. The initial value associates the layer with the "Global" material by default.
This is the overview for the setPlotStyleName method overload. 
This is the overview for the setTransparency method overload. 
Sets the Freeze status in new viewports for the layer as a Boolean value (DXF 70, bit 0x02).
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbLayerTableRecord. 
This is the overview for the transparency method overload. 
Returns true if and only if the layer is frozen in new viewports (DXF 70, bit 0x02). 
This is nested type OdDbLayerTableRecord::TableType. 
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