API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLayoutManagerReactor Class
OdDbLayoutManagerReactor Class
class OdDbLayoutManagerReactor : public OdRxObject;


This class is the base class for custom classes that receive notification of OdDbLayout events.

The default implementations of all methods in this class do nothing but return.



Notification function called whenever the copying of a layout has been terminated.
Notification function called whenever the removal of a layout has been terminated.
Notification function called whenever the renaming of a layout has been terminated.
Notification function called whenever a layout has been copied.
Notification function called whenever a layout has been added to an OdDbDatabase.
Notification function called whenever a layout has been removed from an OdDbDatabase.
Notification function called whenever a layout has been renamed.
Notification function called whenever the active layout has changed.
Notification function called whenever a layout is about to be copied.
Notification function called before the active layout gets deactivated.
Notification function called whenever a layout is about to be removed from an OdDbDatabase.
Notification function called whenever a layout is about to be renamed.
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbLayoutManagerReactor. 
Notification function called whenever the plot style table associated with a layout has changed.
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