API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLayoutManagerReactor Class > OdDbLayoutManagerReactor Methods > OdDbLayoutManagerReactor::layoutCopied Method
OdDbLayoutManagerReactor::layoutCopied Method
virtual void layoutCopied(const OdString& oldLayoutName, const OdDbObjectId& oldLayoutId, const OdString& newLayoutName, const OdDbObjectId& newLayoutId);
const OdString& oldLayoutName 
[in] Old layout name.  
const OdDbObjectId& oldLayoutId 
[in] Object ID of the old layout.  
const OdString& newLayoutName 
[in] New layout name.  
const OdDbObjectId& newLayoutId 
[in] Object ID of the new layout. 

Notification function called whenever a layout has been copied. 


This function is after the operation.

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