API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbEvalExpr Class
OdDbEvalExpr Class
class OdDbEvalExpr : public OdDbObject;


This class represents single nodes in OdDbEvalGraph objects.

Each node reprsents an action or expression. The OdDbEvalGraph object calls each owned node's evaluate() method while traversing the graph within the OdDbEvalGraph::evaluate() method. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_DynBlocks

  • OdDbEvalConnectable
  • OdDbEvalContext
  • OdDbEvalContextIterator
  • OdDbEvalContextPair
  • OdDbEvalEdgeInfo
  • OdDbEvalGraph
This is ~OdDbEvalExpr, a member of class OdDbEvalExpr. 
This is OdDbEvalExpr, a member of class OdDbEvalExpr. 
Notification function called whenever this Node object has been activated.
Notification function called whenever this Node object has been added to a Graph object.
Notification function called whenever an edge has been added the Graph object.
Notification function called whenever an edge of this Node object has been removed.
Notification function called whenever a Node object with a shared edge to this Node object has been removed a Graph object.
Notification function called whenever a Node object has been copied to another Graph object.
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns true if and only if the specified Node object is equal to this Node object.
Evaluates the expression represented by this Node object.  
Opens the OdDbEvalGraph object that owns this Node object.
Notification function called whenever the Graph object travesal is been terminated.
Notification function called whenever the Graph object has been traversed.
Notification function called whenever the Graph object is about to be traversed.
Returns true if and only if this Node object can be activated. 
Notification function called whenever this Node object is about to be moved to another Graph object.
Notification function called whenever this Node object has been moved to another Graph object.
Returns the node ID of this Node object. 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbEvalExpr. 
This is postInDatabase, a member of class OdDbEvalExpr. 
Notification function called whenever this Node object has been removed a Graph object.
Returns the value of the evaluated expression of this Node object. 
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