API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSection Class
OdDbSection Class
class OdDbSection : public OdDbEntity;


This class represents a section plane.

Constructor. Sets field values to defaults. 
Defines height states for section plane. 
Defines the section plane type. 
Defines subitems for section plane. 
Adds a vertex to the section line.
Returns height of the section plane below the section line. 
Creates a jog at the specified point.
This is the overview for the createObject method overload. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the z-coordinate elevation. 
Enables or disables live sectioning, depending on parameter.
Generates section geometry.
This is the overview for the getName method overload. 
This is the overview for the getSettings method overload. 
Returns a section line vertex by its index.
Fecthes an array of vertices of the section line.
Checks if there are any jogs on this section. 
Calculates desired height.
Retruns the indicator fill color of this section plane. 
Returns the indicator transparency value of this section plane (1 to 100). 
Checks if live sectioning is enabled.
Checks if an objects is a slice.
Returns the normal vector of this section plane. 
Returns the number of vertices on the section line. 
Returns vectors that define the section plane.
Removes a vertex at a given vertex.
Returns the distance of the section plane offset. 
Sets height of the section plane below the section line.
Sets the z-coordinate elevation.
Sets value for the desired height.
Sets the indicator fill color of this section plane.
Sets new indicator transparency value of this section plane.
Sets a flag whether an object is a slice.
Sets name for this section plane.
Sets the distance of the section plane offset.
Sets a section plane type from an enum value.
Sets thickness depth.
Sets height of the section plane above the section line.
Sets a section line vertex with an index.
Sets the vertical direction vector of this section plane.
Sets vertices of the section line from an array.
Sets the viewing direction vector of this section plane.
Retruns the section plane type as enum value. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
Applies a transformation matrix to a copy of this XData obejct. Only available if transformation is uniform.
Applies a transformation matrix to this XData object. Only available if transformation is uniform.
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDbSection. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbSection. 
Returns section thickness depth for a slice, returns 0.0 for other types. 
Returns height of the section plane above the section line. 
Returns the vertical direction vector of this section plane. 
Returns the viewing direction vector of this section plane. 
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