API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbCurvePE Class
OdDbCurvePE Class
class OdDbCurvePE : public OdRxObject;


This class defines the interface for the Curve Protocol Extension classes.



This is the overview for the extend method overload. 
This is the overview for the getClosestPointTo method overload. 
Creates a set of curves representing the offsetting the specified Curve object by the specified distance.  
Creates a set of curves representing the offsetting of the specified Curve object by the specified distance in a plane with the specified normal.  
Creates a curve by projecting the specified Curve object onto the specified plane along a normal to the place.
Creates a curve by projecting the specified Curve object onto the specified plane along the specified direction.
Returns an OdDbSpline approximation of the specified Curve object.
This is the overview for the getSplitCurves method overload. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbCurvePE. 
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