API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbCurvePE Class > OdDbCurvePE Methods > OdDbCurvePE::getOffsetCurves Method
OdDbCurvePE::getOffsetCurves Method
virtual OdResult getOffsetCurves(const OdDbCurve* pCurve, double offsetDistance, OdRxObjectPtrArray& offsetCurves) const = 0;
const OdDbCurve* pCurve 
[in] Pointer to the curve to offset.  
double offsetDistance 
[in] Offset distance.  
OdRxObjectPtrArray& offsetCurves 
[out] Receives an array of SmartPointers to the offset curves. 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Creates a set of curves representing the offsetting the specified Curve object by the specified distance.

Pointers to all new curves are appended to the offsetCurves array.

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