API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbText Class
OdDbText Class
class OdDbText : public OdDbEntity;



This class represents single-line text entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Db

Working with Single-Line Text 

OdDbMText, OdDbShape classes

This is OdDbText, a member of class OdDbText. 
Adjusts the position of this Text entity if its alignent is not left baseline.
Returns the alignment point of this Text entity (WCS equivalent of DXF 11). 
Converts the fields in this Text entity to text, and removes the fields. 
Evokes the spell checker on this Text entity. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbText. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Reads the DXF R12 format data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the WCS bounding points of this Text entity.
Returns the plane that contains this entity.
Returns the height of this Text entity (DXF 40). 
Returns the horizontal mode of this Text entity (DXF 72). 
Return true if and only if this Text entity is in the default alignment. 
Returns true if and only if this Text entity is mirrored in the X (horizontal) direction (DXF 71, bit 0x02). 
Returns true if and only if this Text entity is mirrored in the Y (vertical) direction (DXF 71, bit 0x04). 
Controls the mirroring of this Text entity in the X (horizontal) direction (DXF 71, bit 0x02). param mirror [in] Controls mirroring. 
Controls the mirroring of this Text entity in the Y (vertical) direction (DXF 71, bit 0x04). param mirror [in] Controls mirroring. 
Returns the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210). 
Returns the oblique angle of this Text entity (DXF 51). 
Returns the position of this entity (WCS equivalent of DXF 10). 
This is the overview for the removeField method overload. 
Returns the rotation angle of this Text entity (DXF 50). 
Sets the alignment point of this Text entity (WCS equivalent of DXF 11).  
Adds the specified field to the field dictionary of this object.
Sets the height of this Text entity (DXF 40).  
Returns the horizontal mode of this Text entity (DXF 72).
Sets the WCS normal to the plane of this entity (DXF 210).  
Sets the oblique angle of this Text entity (DXF 51).  
Sets the position of this entity (WCS equivalent of DXF 10).
Sets the rotation angle of this Text entity (DXF 50).  
Sets the text string of this Text entity (DXF 1).  
Sets the Object ID of the text style of this Text entity (DXF 7).  
Sets the thickness of this entity (DXF 39).  
Sets the vertical mode of this Text entity (DXF 73).
Sets the width factor of this Text entity (DXF 40).  
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
This is subGetTransformedCopy, a member of class OdDbText. 
This function is an override for OdDbEntity::subSetDatabaseDefaults() to set the text style of this entity to the current style and text size for the specified database. 
This is subTransformBy, a member of class OdDbText. 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDbText. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbText. 
Returns the text string of this Text entity (DXF 1). 
Returns the Object ID of the text style of this Text entity (DXF 7). 
Returns the thickness of this entity (DXF 39). 
Returns the vertical mode of this Text entity (DXF 73). 
Returns the width factor of this Text entity (DXF 41). 
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