API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbBlendOptions Class
OdDbBlendOptions Class
class OdDbBlendOptions;


Class for setting options used for creating blend surfaces and lofted solids (by calling OdDbLoftedSurface::createBlendSurface() or OdDb3dSolid::createBlendSolid() methods). Loft and blend options are used to control the shape of the resulting surface or solid object. 


Destroys the OdDbBlendOptions object. 
Creates an OdDbBlendOptions object. 
The drive mode property defines which section(s) "drive" the creation of the planes
containing the planar guides. Any of the two input sections can be selected for
that role, or both of them can be used at the same time (the default value).
The implementation uses the driving sections in conjunction with the coplanar point
and direction (if supplied).
The coplanar direction is an optional property that can be supplied to constrain
the set of planes containing the planar guides made by the implementation. If
set, all guide planes will contain it (i.e. are parallel to it). By default no
coplanar direction is set.
The coplanar point is an optional property that can be supplied to constrain the
set of planes containing the planar guides made by the implementation. If set,
all guide planes will contain it. By default no coplanar point is set. This
option is useful in conjunction with the coplanar direction option to define an
axis contained by all guide planes. An example where such an axis is useful is a
blend operation between involving a cone: The customer application might prefer
that all guides planes to contain the cone axis.
The drive mode property defines which section(s) "drive" the creation of the
planes containing the planar guides. Any of the two input sections can be
selected for that role, or both of them can be used at the same time (the
default value). The implementation uses the driving sections in conjunction with
the coplanar point and direction (if supplied).
The quality option controls how many planar curves (aka planar guides) blending
between the input sections are made by the implementation to constrain the
output surface. More planar guides will result in a blend surface that has a
better shape; however, the representation of the surface becomes more complex
which results in larger storage requirements and larger evaluation times. The
default value is 5. The value of 0 has a special meaning: In this case the
output surface will coincide with the standard loft output for the same input
sections and might have a significantly different shape from the surface... more 
The coplanar direction is an optional property that can be supplied to constrain
the set of planes containing the planar guides made by the implementation. If
set, all guide planes will contain it (i.e. are parallel to it). By default no
coplanar direction is set.
The coplanar point is an optional property that can be supplied to constrain the
set of planes containing the planar guides made by the implementation. If set,
all guide planes will contain it. By default no coplanar point is set. This
option is useful in conjunction with the coplanar direction option to define an
axis contained by all guide planes. An example where such an axis is useful is a
blend operation between involving a cone: The customer application might prefer
that all guides planes to contain the cone axis.
The drive mode property defines which section(s) "drive" the creation of the
planes containing the planar guides. Any of the two input sections can be
selected for that role, or both of them can be used at the same time (the
default value). The implementation uses the driving sections in conjunction with
the coplanar point and direction (if supplied).
The quality option controls how many planar curves (aka planar guides) blending
between the input sections are made by the implementation to constrain the
output surface. More planar guides will result in a blend surface that has a
better shape; however, the representation of the surface becomes more complex
which results in larger storage requirements and larger evaluation times. The
default value is 5. The value of 0 has a special meaning: In this case the
output surface will coincide with the standard loft output for the same input
sections and might have a significantly different shape from the surface... more 
The simplify option allows the application to replace the output ASM procedural
blend spline surface with an analytic surface, but only if the analytic surface
is an exact match. This option is enabled by default.
The solid option allows the implementation to stitch the output surface to the
input section curves in order to produce a solid body. This function is reserved
for future use. Currently, blend surface always output an surface. It cannot
output solid.
The simplify option allows the application to replace the output ASM procedural
blend spline surface with an analytic surface, but only if the analytic surface
is an exact match. This option is enabled by default.
The solid option allows the implementation to stitch the output surface to the
input section curves in order to produce a solid body. This function is reserved
for future use. Currently, blend surface always output an surface. It cannot
output solid.
Assigns to the OdDbBlendOptions object another object (assignment operator).
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