API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbViewportTableRecord Class
OdDbViewportTableRecord Class
class OdDbViewportTableRecord : public OdDbAbstractViewTableRecord;


This class represents tiled viewport records in the OdDbViewportTable in an OdDbDatabase instance.



This is OdDbViewportTableRecord, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
Returns the circle zoom percent for this Viewport (DXF 72). 
Copies the contents of other into the messaged object, whenever feasible 
Returns the OdGiDrawable for this Viewport. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Reads the DXF R12 format data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns true if and only if the fast zooms are enabled for this Viewport (DXF 73). 
Returns true if and only if this Viewport will display a grid (DXF 76). 
Returns the grid increments for this Viewport (DXF 15, 25). 
This is gridMajor, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
Returns the OdGsView associated with this Viewpoint. 
Returns true if and only if this Viewport will display a UCS icon at the UCS origin (DXF 74, bit 0x02). 
Returns true if and only if this Viewport will display a UCS icon (DXF 74, bit 0x01). 
This is isGridAdaptive, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
This is isGridBoundToLimits, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
This is isGridFollow, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
This is isGridSubdivisionRestricted, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
Returns true and only if isometric snap is enabled for this Viewport (DXF 75). 
Returns true if and only if the UCS saved with this Viewport will become active whenever this Viewport is made active (DXF 65). 
Returns the lower left corner of this Viewport (DXF 10). 
Sets the circle zoom percent for this Viewport (DXF 72).  
Controls fast zooms for this Viewport (DXF 73).  
This is setGridAdaptive, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
This is setGridBoundToLimits, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
Controls the display of a grid by this Viewport (DXF 76).  
This is setGridFollow, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
Sets the grid increments for this Viewport (DXF 15, 25).  
This is setGridMajor, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
This is setGridSubdivisionRestricted, a member of class OdDbViewportTableRecord. 
Sets the OdGsView associated with this Viewpoint.  
Controls the display of a UCS icon at the UCS origin by this Viewport (DXF 74, bit 0x02).  
Controls the display of a UCS icon by this Viewport (DXF 74, bit 0x01).
Controls the isometric snap for this Viewport (DXF 75).  
Sets the lower-left corner of this Viewport (DXF 10).
Sets the snap rotation angle for this Viewport (DXF 50).  
Sets the snap Base for this Viewport (DXF 13, 23).  
Controls the snap for this Viewport (DXF 75).  
Sets the snap increments for this Viewport (DXF 14, 24).  
Returns the snap IsoPair for this Viewport (DXF 78). 
Controls the display of a plan view in this Viewport whenever the UCS for this Viewport changes. (DXF 71, bit 0x08).
Controls the UcsPerViewport for this Viewport (DXF 65).
Sets the upper right corner of this Viewport (DXF 11).
Returns the snap rotation angle for this Viewport (DXF 50). 
Returns the snap Base for this Viewport (DXF 13, 23). 
Returns true and only if snap is enabled for this Viewport (DXF 75). 
Returns the snap increments for this Viewport (DXF 14, 24). 
Returns the snap IsoPair for this Viewport (DXF 78). 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only. 
Returns true if and only if this Viewport will display a plan view whenever the UCS for this Viewport changes. (DXF 71, bit 0x08). 
Returns the upper right corner of this Viewport (DXF 11). 
Adjusts the parameters in this Viewport such that the view is zoomed to the extents of the drawing. 
This is nested type OdDbViewportTableRecord::TableType. 
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