Implements the Data Access Interface (DAI) that provides functionality for manipulating data that is defined within the EXPRESS SCHEMA format.
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Contains a set of functionality for working with conversion. | |
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Class should holds a value of select. | |
A base class for containers defined within a schema. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of aggregation types. | |
Class for containers defined within a schema. | |
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A class which validates the aggregation sizes of instance attributes. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
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The base class for application instances that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class represents value type for pointer to aggregate. | |
Template class represents value type for aggregate. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class represents value type for pointer to aggregate. | |
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A class that implements the storing and manipulating of array types. | |
Template class represents value type for aggregate. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of attributes. | |
Class of attribute data block should used for simple select data moving/coping/editing. | |
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Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class represents value type for pointer to aggregate. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of bag types. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class represents value type for aggregate. | |
This is the base class for exceptions used in SDAI. | |
A base class that implements the storing and manipulating of data type definitions for attributes. | |
A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA BINARY type. | |
A class that represents the SDAI primitive Boolean data type. | |
A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA BOOLEAN type. | |
A class that defines limit on an EXPRESS type. | |
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Abstract class for access to typed const iterator along aggregate. | |
Class that represents type-specified const iterator. | |
A base class that implements the storing and manipulating of enumeration and select data types definitions. | |
The interface that should handle situation when the file reader determine and create entity instance but can not find parameters start of this entity instance. | |
The base class for error handlers that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
This class represents an error handler manager that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). Usage of the class: | |
This class represents exceptions used in SDAI module. | |
A class that implements the storing of types established as a result of EXPRESS TYPE declaration. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of attributes. | |
The base class for dictionary instances that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
A interface helps reader to solve the problem when the handlers are not unique during the stream reading | |
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A class that provides an entity definition within a schema. | |
This class represents a container (folder) that contains entities that are a certain schema entity type. | |
A class that implements the EXPRESS ENUMERATION data type within IFC Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI). | |
A class that represents the enumeration data type for IFC SDK. | |
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A class that implements storing enumeration data type within OdRx functionality. | |
The class represents error events that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
The base class for events that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of attributes. | |
Container for defenition of Explicit Attribute or Derived Attribute. | |
The base class for whole extent validation tasks. | |
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An abstract class that describes the interface for working with .ifc files. | |
A base class that should be used during read file error. | |
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A class that implements generating and storing fiexed length string objects. | |
This class represents a Global Rule for model validation pourposes. | |
A class which checks model global rules. | |
An interface that provides functionality for working with read data stream in readonly mode. | |
Class should used as custom error event list flusher. | |
An abstract class that provides the interface of an iterator through entities of the model. An iterator allows you to get sequential access to entities that are contained in any collection. | |
The base class for application instances that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
The base class for instances validation tasks. | |
A class that implements bound whose value is based solely on the schema within which it it declared. | |
A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA INTEGER type. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of attributes. | |
A class which validates the inverse attributes of the instance. | |
An abstract class that provides the interface of an iterator for traversing through an aggregate. An iterator provides sequential access to data objects in an aggregate. Sequential access assumes that before getting access to an element you have to read elements that are placed before the desired element in the aggregate. | |
Class that represents type-specified iterator. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
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Template class represents value type for pointer to aggregate. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of list types. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class represents value type for aggregate. | |
A class that represents the SDAI primitive Boolean data type. | |
A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA LOGICAL type. | |
A class that implements functionality for working with models. | |
An abstract class which describes the interface for model validation healer. | |
The base class for whole model validation tasks. | |
A class that implements the storing of the definition of a named type. | |
A struct which stores extra information for notifier. | |
A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA NUMBER type. | |
The base struct which contains validation context for instances and extents validations. | |
The base struct which contains validation context for model validations. | |
The base class for dictionary and application instances that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
A class that represents a header section of a STEP Physical File. | |
A base class for dictionary instance and session instance. It contains the base interface for a Standard Data Access Interface instance. | |
A class that implements a DAI module for data access. | |
Helper for application instances loading/unloading | |
A class that implements bound whose value depends on a population of the schema. | |
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A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA REAL type. | |
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A class which validates all mandatory attributes of an application instance against unset values. | |
A class that holdes path of the select data. | |
A class that implements working with a schema definition. | |
Base class that implements the base functionality for working with the EXPRESS SCHEMA of the "Select" data type. | |
A class that implements the storing of select data types. | |
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class Select;
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A class that implements functionality for working with session data as repositories, error logging and non-persistent lists. | |
The base class for session instances that can be manipulated with the Data Access Interface (DAI). | |
A class which notifies validation tasks information to the Session class. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class represents value type for pointer to aggregate. | |
A class that stores and operates the global settings for some DAI processes. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of array types. | |
Template class for containers defined within a schema. | |
Template class represents value type for aggregate. | |
A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA SIMPLE type. | |
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A class that implements a data type definition for the EXPRESS SCHEMA STRING type. | |
A class that validates the width of string attributes. | |
This interface can be used by stream reader when global syntax error accured. | |
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A class that implements storing definitions of IFC underlying data types:
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This class represents a where rule for instance validation pourposes. | |
This class represents user exceptions used in SDAI module. | |
The base class for notifier of validation tasks. | |
An abstract class which describes the interface for validation tasks. | |
A class which implements functionality for working with validation classes. | |
A class that implements the storing and manipulating of variable size aggregation types. | |
This class represents a where rule for instance validation pourposes. | |
A class which validates the where rules of defied types for attributes of application instance. | |
A class which validates the where rules of application instances. | |
A interface that handles wrong entity state. Handles the abnormal situation when we read name of the entity but can not create entity instance for it. |
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Retrieves the list of the raw pointers to Rx-Objects of the all extent validation tasks classes in library. | |
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Retrieves the list of the raw pointers to Rx-Objects of the all instances validation tasks classes in library. | |
Retrieves the list of the raw pointers to Rx-Objects of the all model validation tasks classes in library. | |
Returns character representation of the specified error code. | |
Returns description of the specified error code. | |
Retrieves the global settings for some DAI processes. |
Defines aggregation types. | |
Defines values for the Boolean data type. | |
Defines the type or error handling | |
Defines the type or error handling | |
Contains declarations of IFC data types, which are represented with an BaseType object. | |
Contains declarations of IFC data types, which are represented with an ConstructedType object. | |
A structure that contains information about the enumeration value. | |
Contains declarations of IFC data types, which are represented with an UnderlyingType object. | |
Defines deflate level for the compression of the HDF5 files. | |
Defines values for the Logical data type. | |
Defines multithreading modes. | |
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Object open modes. | |
Defines the type or error handling | |
Defines the type or error handling |
A data type that represents an STD map of pairs consisting of an STD string and a smart pointer to an aggregation type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an aggregation type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an AggrSizeValidationTask object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an application instance object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an array type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an Attribute object. | |
A data type that represents an array of smart pointers to attribute objects. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an bag type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a BaseType object. | |
A data type that represents the SDAI primitive BINARY type. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an binary type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an boolean type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an bound object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to a constructed data type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an daiErrorHandlerBase object. | |
A data type that is used to represent an error code that is used for event handling or events within the DAI module. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a defined type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a set of defined type objects. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an attribute object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an dictionary instance object. | |
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A data type that represents an STD list of smart pointers to entity objects. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an Entity object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a set of Entity objects. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an enumeration type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an ErrorEvent object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an Event object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an attribute object. | |
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A data type that represents an STD list of ansi string objects. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an ExtentValidationTask object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an GlobalRulesValidationTask object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an InstanceIterator object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an InstanceValidationTask object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an integer bound object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an integer type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an attribute object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an InverseAttrsValidationTask object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdDAI::Iterator Iterator object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an list type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an logical type object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an ModelValidationHealer object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an ModelValidationTask object. | |
A data type that represents an STD map of pairs consisting of STD string and a smart pointer to named type. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an named type object. | |
A data type that represents an STD set of pointers to named type objects. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an number type object. | |
A data type that represents a shared pointer to an OdBaseInstanceValidationContext object. | |
A data type that represents a shared pointer to an OdBaseModelValidationContext object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a SDAI object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdHeaderSection object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an OdSDAIModule object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an population dependent bound object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an real type object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an RequiredExplicitAttrsAssignedValidationTask object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to a Schema object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a select type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an session instance object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an ValidationNotifier object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an set type object. | |
A data type that represents an STD map of pairs consisting of an STD string and a smart pointer to a simple type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a simple type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an string type object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an StringWidthValidationTask object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an underlying type object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an ValidationNotifier object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an ValidationTask object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an Validator object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an variable size aggregation type object. | |
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A data type that represents a smart pointer to an WhereRulesAttrsValidationTask object. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an WhereRulesEntitiesValidationTask object. |
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