API Reference > OdDAI Namespace > Classes > Schema Class
Schema Class
class Schema : public DictionaryInstance;


A class that implements working with a schema definition.

Destroys the schema object. 
Retrieves a set of entity definitions of the schema.  
Searches an entity definition by its name.  
Retrieves the current value of an attribute specified by its name.  
Retrieves the array with schema global rules.  
Retrieves the collection of supertypes starting from a specified entity definition. The method fills a passed entity list and returns it to a calling subroutine.  
Retrieves the name of the schema.  
Searches for an entity or type definition by its name.  
Retrieves a set of data types defined within the schema.  
Validates model if it satisfies global rule with ruleName.  
Writes data from the schema object to a physical file.  
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