API Reference > OdDAI Namespace > Classes > Session Class
Session Class
class Session : public SessionInstance;


A class that implements functionality for working with session data as repositories, error logging and non-persistent lists.

The single current session instance can be created by calling oddaiCreateSession() function, it can be deleted only by calling oddaiCloseCurrentSession(). The currently opened session can be accessed by oddaiSession() function calling.

Session class default constructor. 
Closes an opened repository assigned with this session.  
Creates an instance of Non-Persistent List. returns A pointer to non-persistent list. 
Creates an empty repository with defined name inside current session.  
Creates repository with defined name inside current session and opens a fileName as part of the newly created repository.  
Deletes an instance of Non-Persistent List. 
Deletes repository record from the session container.  
Provides error event list.  
Finds a repository which exists in the current session.  
Tries to find repository with defined name inside current session. Changes and returns updated name of repository in the case if repository with provided name already exists in current session.  
Retrieves the current value of an attribute specified by its name.  
Provides information about error logging activity.  
Opens an unopened repository which exists in the current session. 
Put error record to error event list.  
Sets event collector to handle error events in runtime.  
Activate error events recording mode. 
Deactivate error events recording mode. 
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