API Reference > OdDAI Namespace > Classes > Settings Class
Settings Class
class Settings;


A class that stores and operates the global settings for some DAI processes.

The Settings class is not a thread-safe.

Retrieves the current flag that determines whether inverse attributes are calculated after a file load.  
Retrieves a number of digits for real numbers when they are written to a file.  
Retrieves a template for real numbers when they are written to a file.  
Retrieves the current compression deflate level for HDF5 files that is used in the SDAI module.  
Retrieves the maximum number of elements of aggregations, which are stored in embedded fields of HDF5 files for the SDAI module.  
Retrieves the current chunk size used in the SDAI module for reading data from HDF5 files.  
Retrieves whether DAI inverse attributes are stored in HDF5 files.  
Retrieves whether committed data types are used for the SDAI module.  
Retrieves whether the DAI stores type path strings into the type path dictionary of HDF5 files.  
Retrieves the current chunk size used in the SDAI module for writing data in HDF5 files.  
Retrieves the current multithreading mode that is used for some DAI operations.  
Retrieves the maximum buffer size in bytes for string data type read from a file. Data block that exceeds this size is truncated while reading.  
Retrieves the current number of threads that can be run in the multithreading mode.  
Retrieves the current size of a memory block allocated for one thread in the multithreading mode.  
Retrieves if Time Zone information should be written into time_stamp attribute of file_name instance in data section of Step Physical File.  
Sets a new value of the flag that determines whether inverse attributes are calculated after a file loading. If the flag is equal to true, inverse attributes are calculated; If the flag is equal to false inverse attributes are not calculated.  
Sets a number of digits for real numbers when they are written to a file. The passed non-positive value or more than sixteen sets default settings. The passed positive value less than three sets the number to three.  
Sets a new deflate level for the compression in HDF5 files.  
Sets the maximum number of elements of aggregations, which are stored in embedded fields of HDF5 files for the SDAI module.  
Sets a new chunk size used in the SDAI module for reading data from HDF5 files.  
Sets the inverse attributes storage mode for HDF5 files on or off.  
Sets a new value of the committed data types usage mode for HDF5 files on or off.  
Sets the dictionary usage for type path strings in HDF5 files on or off. If this flag is equal to true, type path strings of the SELECT data type are stored in a separate dictionary inside an HDF5 file.  
Sets a new chunk size used in the SDAI module for writing data in HDF5 files.  
Sets a new multithreading mode that is using for some DAI operations.  
Sets a new maximum buffer size for the string data type read from a file. Data block that exceeds this size is truncated while reading.  
Sets a new number of threads that can be run in the multithreading mode.  
Sets a new size of a memory block allocated for one thread in the multithreading mode.  
Sets a new value of the flag that determines if Time Zone information should be written into time_stamp attribute of file_name instance in data section of Step Physical File.  
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