API Reference > OdDAI Namespace > Classes > Aggr Class
Aggr Class
class Aggr;


A base class for containers defined within a schema.

Non-virtual destructor! 
Returns a type of aggregate.  
Clear the aggregate with deletion of all its content. 
Make aggregates clone.  
Copy from aggregate.  
Creates a new const iterator along elements of aggregate.  
Init aggregate. Creates an empty instance inside aggregate.  
Creates a new iterator along elements of aggregate.  
Check aggregate for any elements.  
Providing internal OdArray to the outside.  
Provides aggregates lower bound.  
Returns amoung of aggregate elements.  
Provides aggregates upper bound.  
This is the overview for the isMember method overload. 
Checks if aggregate is unset.  
Check if aggregate is ordered.  
Clean the aggregate with deletion of all its content. 
Set OdArray items to aggregate.  
Returns a value type of aggregate instance elements.  
Operator of equal.  
Providing internal OdArray to the outside.  
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