API Reference > OdDAI Namespace > Classes > Entity Class
Entity Class
class Entity : public NamedType;


A class that provides an entity definition within a schema.

Appends a new attribute definition to the entity definition.  
Appends a new supertype to the entity definition.  
Retrieves the current list of attribute definitions for the entity definition.  
Collects all explicit attributes of the type and all its supertypes.  
Searches for an attribute definition with a specified name for the entity definition and all its supertypes.  
For entity definition and all its supertypes tries to recursively find WR Rule instance with name ruleName. Stops searching on first occurrence of rule with name provided.  
Retrieves the current value of an attribute specified by its name.  
Retrieves whether the entity definition can be instantiated or not.  
Collects all inverse attributes of the type and all its supertypes.  
Check whether the entity is a supertype of another entity.  
Collects all explicit attributes which are references or aggregations of references for the type and all its supertypes.  
Searches for an attribute definition with a specified name for the entity definition and all its supertypes. The search proceeds in reversed order.  
Retrieves the current list of the entity definition's supertypes.  
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