API Reference > OdDAI Namespace > Classes > IteratorCollection Template
IteratorCollection Template
template <class TContainer, class TType> class IteratorCollection : public Iterator;


Class that represents type-specified iterator.

Adds a new specified element to the list aggregate after the element referred to by the iterator. The new element is added after the current element; the current element that the iterator refers to is not changed.  
Adds a new specified element to the list aggregate before the element referred to by the iterator. The new element is added before the current element; the current element that the iterator refers to is not changed.  
Moves the iterator to the beginning of an aggregate instance. When the iterator is at the beginning of an aggregate, it doesn't refer to an element (there is no current element). 
Creates an aggregate and places it after the current element referred to by the iterator.  
Creates an aggregate and makes it the current element of the iterator. The created aggregate replaces the current item referred to by the iterator.  
Creates an aggregate and places it before the current element referred to by the iterator.  
Moves the iterator to the end of an aggregate instance. When the iterator is at the end of an aggregate, it doesn't refer to an element (there is no current element). 
Retrieves the current element of an aggregate referred to by the iterator. 
Retrieves the value of the current element of an aggregate referred to by the iterator.  
Retrieves the value bound of the current element referred to by the iterator.  
Moves the iterator to the next element of an aggregate relative to the current one. The next element becomes the current one unless the end of an aggregate is reached. 
Moves the iterator to the previous element of an aggregate relative to the current one. The previous element becomes the current one unless the beginning of an aggregate is reached. 
Sets a new current element of an aggregate for the iterator. The new element replaces the previously current element.  
Removes the current element from an aggregate.  
Determines whether the value of the current array element referred to by the iterator is set.  
Retrieves the type of the current element referred to by the iterator. 
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