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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDbPolyline Class
class OdDbPolyline : public OdDbCurve;

This class represents Lightweight Polyline entities in an OdDbDatabase instance. 

OdDbPolyline entities differ from OdDb2dPolyline entities as follows:

  • OdDbPolyline entities are stored as single objects, thereby improving performance and reducing overhead compared to OdDb2DPolyline objects.
  • Curve fitting and Spline fitting of OdDbPolyline entities are not supported.

The number of vertices in an OdDbPolyline must be at least two. Polylines with less than two vertices should not left in or added to the database. 

Since the nth Segment of a Polyline is the segment following the nth Vertex, the segment index and vertex index may be used interchangeably. 



File: DbPolyline.h 

Module: API Reference 

No members matching the current filter
No members matching the current filter
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