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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDbEllipse Class
class OdDbEllipse : public OdDbCurve;


This class implements the ellipse object (Ellipse entity) in the database. This class inherits the base functionality of entities. The ellipse entity can represent either an elliptical closed figure (ellipse) or unclosed elliptical segment (elliptical arc) in world space. When the start angle coincides with the end angle, the figure is closed and this class represents an ellipse. When the start angle differs from the end angle on 1e-6, the figure is unclosed and this class represents an elliptical arc.

The ellipse must have (StartAngle = 0) and (EndAngle = Oda2PI). The elliptical arc has (EndAngle - StartAngle) > 1e-6. The radius ratio must be in the range [1e-6 to 1.0].


File: DbEllipse.h 

Module: API Reference 

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