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ODA Drawings SDK
OdDbEllipse::setStartAngle Method
OdResult setStartAngle(double startAngle);

Sets the start angle for the elliptical figure (ellipse or arc) in the range ±2PI radians (DXF 50). A positive value specifies the angle measured from the major axis counterclockwise. A negative value specifies the angle measured from the major axis clockwise. The initial value is zero by default. 


[in] Start angle as a Double.

If an angle value is negative, this method automatically converts it to the positive equivalent. If an angle value is more than 2PI, this method automatically convertes it to the range 0 to 2PI. When (StartAngle = 0) and (EndAngle = Oda2PI) or |EndAngle - StartAngle| <= 1e-12, the figure is closed, that is an ellipse.

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