API Reference > Classes > Geometry Classes
Geometry Classes Classes
Geometry Classes  Legend
This class represents utilities for boolean operation (union/intersection/subtraction) of two bodies.  
This class needed for operations on curves.  
User preferences for parsing of geometry.
remarks This class determines the output of the Element::getGeometry method.
This class contains common methods for working with math problems.  
A helper class to work with noise asset.  
This class represents an appearance asset object.  
This class allows to work with properties.
This class represents an edge of a 3D solid. An edge is a boundary line of a face.  
This class represents a chain of edges with an envelope.  
This class represents a loop of edges.  
This class represents a loop of edge chains with envelopes.  
This class represents a point on an edge.  
This class represents a face of 3D solid. A face is a bounded region of a surface.  
This class represents a faceted topology.  
This class represents an implementation of faceted topology.  
This class represents a grid line in a fill pattern.  
This class stores fill pattern data.  
This class stores data of a placed fill pattern.  
This class represents faceted topology of float normals.  
This class represents a circular arc.  
This class represents a plant.  
This class stores properties of GInstances.  
This class stores data of an .rpc file.  
This class stores render settings of the background image.  
This class is used for bidirectional flip control.  
This class stores bitmap data.  
This class is used to work with B-Rep data.  
This class stores data of a reference to a component.  
This class is the base class for all GConditions.  
This class stores data of a clipping condition.  
This class stores data of a cutting condition.  
This is the base class to work with direction conditions.  
This class stores data of a direction condition.  
This class stores data of a hemisphere condition.  
This class stores integer data of a GCondition by parameter.  
This class stores data of a condition of the selected objects in DBView.  
This class stores data of a condition of a view detail level.  
This class stores data of the condition of a view type.  
This class stores data of the condition of a view mode type.  
This is the base class for Flip Control classes.  
This class is the base class for all geometric representations of curves. (For example, OdBmGLine, OdBmGEllipse, etc.)
This class controls the displaying of curve offsets.  
This class stores cylindrical helix data.  
This class stores geometry data of an edge, which is an intersection line of faces.  
This is the base class for GEdge and GEdgeLoop.  
This class stores data of a loop of edges.  
This class stores geometric representation of the element. It contains one or more view-dependent geometries.
This class stores geometry data of an ellipse.  
This class stores geometry of B-Rep objects.  
This is the base class of faces.  
This class stores data of fake B-Rep objects.  
This class stores fill color overrider data.  
This class stores the data of filled geometry objects.  
This class stores fill pattern overrider data.  
This class is used to filter geometries of GElements using the GCondition classes.  
This class stores flip control data.  
This is the base class for storing groups of GNodes.  
This class is used for storing groups of GNodes.  
This class stores geometry data of a hermite spline.  
This class stores data of an image.  
This class stores geometry data of an imposter object.  
This class stores information for OdBmGNode.  
This is the base class for storing instance data.  
This class stores the geometry data of a straight line.  
This class stores line pattern overrider data.  
This class stores geometry data of links in group of nodes.  
This class stores geometry data of a link filter.  
This class stores material overrider data.  
This is the base class for all objects in GElement.  
This class stores geometry data of a nurb spline.  
This class stores pen number overrider data.  
This class stores geometry data of a point.  
This class stores geometry data of a cloud of points.  
This class stores geometry data of a polycurve.  
This class stores geometry data of a polyline.  
This class stores geometry data of a polymesh.  
This class stores render settings.  
This class stores a geometry representation of groups of nodes.  
This class stores geometry data of a Rvt link.  
This class stores geometry data of a screen placer.  
This class stores data of a geometry style.  
This class stores style color overrider data.  
This class stores surface transparency overrider data.  
This class stores geometry data of a symbol.  
This class stores geometry data of system text.  
This class stores a bit flag of a target.  
This class stores geometry data of text.  
This class stores geometry data of a viewport box.  
This class stores geometry data of a viewport label.  
This class represents a material object.  
The functions in this class can do the following:
o Create OdBmModelerGeometry instances from a specified input stream.
Library: BmModelerGeometry {group:Other_Classes}
This class stores ghost surfaces overrider data.  
This class stores geometry data of rich (formatted) text.  
This class stores 'show lines only' flag overrider data.  
Geometry generator class.  
This class allows to work with rtf data.
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