API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHostAppServices Class > OdDbHostAppServices Methods
OdDbHostAppServices Methods

The methods of the OdDbHostAppServices class are listed here.

Print the audit report for the specified AuditInfo object.
This is brepBuilder, a member of class OdDbHostAppServices. 
Collects TrueType font paths.
Returns the name of the client company. This function is typically used for populating "About" information. 
Creates an instance of an OdDbDatabase object.
Returns the static OdRxClass description object associated with the database. 
Returns true if and only if full-time CRC checking on database filing operations is to be done. 
Returns non-zero if the application copy is educational. 
Prompts the user for a filename, and returns their response.
Returns the fully qualified path to the specified file.
This is fixName, a member of class OdDbHostAppServices. 
This is the overview for the formatMessage method overload. 
This is getAlternateFontName, a member of class OdDbHostAppServices. 
Returns the OdDgHostAppServices object used for reading dgn files. 
Returns the error description associated with the specified error code.  
Returns the name of the font mapping file used by the getPreferableFont function. 
This is getHistoryFile, a member of class OdDbHostAppServices. 
Notification function called whenever a drawing file requires a *password.*
Returns the preferable font name for the specified font name and type.
Returns the font to be used when the specified font is not found.
Returns the typeface name of the TTF font which has the character.
Collects folders with TrueType fonts.
Returns thumbnail preview size. Default implementation returns sizes based on THUMBSIZE Registry variable. 
Returns a the gsBitmapDevice associated with this HostAppServices object.
This is layoutManager, a member of class OdDbHostAppServices. 
Returns an alternate PageController object. 
Returns an instance of an OdDbHostAppProgressMeter. 
Returns an alternate UndoController object. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbHostAppServices. 
Returns the PatternManager associated with this HostAppServices object. 
Returns the PlotSettingsValidator object associated with HostAppServices object. 
Returns the name of the client product code. This function is typically used for populating "About" information.
prodcode() returns one of the following:
Returns the name of the client product. This function is typically used for populating "About" information. 
Returns the name of the client program. This function is typically used for populating "About" information. 
This is the overview for the readFile method overload. 
Performs a recover operation on the specified StreamBuf file.
Returns the release major and minor version string of the client application. 
Returns the release major version of the client application. 
Returns the release minor version of the client application. 
Notification function called whenever the specified ProgressMeter object is no longer needed.
Displays the specified warning message.
Returns the release version string of the client application. 
This is the overview for the warning method overload. 
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