API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHostAppServices Class > OdDbHostAppServices Methods > OdDbHostAppServices::recoverFile Method
OdDbHostAppServices::recoverFile Method
virtual OdDbDatabasePtr recoverFile(OdStreamBuf* pStreamBuf, OdDbAuditInfo * pAuditInfo = 0, const OdPassword& password = OdPassword());
OdStreamBuf* pStreamBuf 
[in] Pointer to the StreamBuf object from which the data are to be read.  
OdDbAuditInfo * pAuditInfo = 0 
[in] Pointer to an OdDbAuditInfo object.  
const OdPassword& password = OdPassword() 
[in] Password for file. 

Performs a recover operation on the specified StreamBuf file. 


The specified AuditInfo object controls the audit, and receives the audit status. 

When overriding this function for a custom class, first call OdDbObject::audit(pAuditInfo) to validate the audit operation.

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