API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHostAppServices Class > OdDbHostAppServices Methods > OdDbHostAppServices::getPassword Method
OdDbHostAppServices::getPassword Method
virtual bool getPassword(const OdString& dwgName, bool isXref, OdPassword& password);
const OdString& dwgName 
[in] Drawing file requiring the password.  
bool isXref 
[in] True if and only if the drawing file is being opened as an Xref.  
OdPassword& password 
[out] Password. 

Notification function called whenever a drawing file requires a *password.* 


Prompts the user for a password and returns said password. 

Returns false if the user cancels the password entry, or if there is no user. 

The default implementation of this function does nothing but return false.

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