This class is the base for all symbol classes in Mechanical SDK. It inherits from OdDbEntity.
This class cannot be used to create instances. It is mainly used to handle leaders and connections to AcmStd. It also handles the subobjects created by each specific symbol. So, the class contains an Imp object, hiding the data from the user. The class interface implements the basic OdDbEntity interface, which is extended to provide leader functionality, an interface for geometry associations through the leader, and symbol transformations.
File: AcmSymbol.h
Destructor for objects of the AcmSymbol class. Frees allocated resources. |
Adds a leader using the specified start and end points. | |
This is the overview for the attachGeomRef method overload. | |
Converts this symbol to a block. | |
Converts this symbol to a block. | |
Detaches a geometry reference from the symbol. | |
OdDbObject override. | |
OdDbObject override. | |
OdDbObject override. | |
OdDbObject override. | |
Erases the geometry reference from the symbol. | |
Returns the orthonormal canonical coordinate system of this symbol. | |
Gets the force lineweight. | |
Gets the geometry reference arc radius. | |
Gets the leader at the specified position. | |
Indicates whether attaching to the symbol is allowed. | |
Indicates whether the symbol is attached to a geometry reference. | |
Indicates whether the grip is known. | |
Sends a notification if the landing of the leader is changed. | |
Sends a notification if the tip point of the leader is changed. | |
Mirrors the coordinate system of an AcmSymbol entity. | |
Gets the normal of the definition plane. | |
Gets the number of grid points used by this symbol. | |
Returns the number of GS markers used by all leaders of this symbol. | |
Gets the number of leaders present in the symbol. | |
Gets the origin of the defining plane. | |
Gets a WCS point that is a projection of the input point onto the XY plane of the symbol's ECS. | |
Gets a WCS vector that is a projection of the input vector onto the XY plane of the symbol's ECS. | |
Called during a symbol update that occurs when the standard changes. | |
Removes the leader at the specified index. | |
Gets the scale factor for all subsymbols except the leader. | |
Gets the object ID of the server standard. | |
Sets the orthonormal canonical coordinate system of this symbol. | |
Sets the force lineweight. | |
Sets the origin of the defining plane. | |
Sets the scale factor for all subsymbols except the leader. | |
Sets the server standard. | |
Sets the standard for the symbol. | |
Sets up a symbol. | |
Gets the object ID of the standard that is used to create this symbol. | |
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased. | |
Called as the first operation of the handOverTo() function. | |
Applies a transformation matrix to the associated symbol. | |
Applies a transformation matrix to the symbol including all leaders. | |
Updates the symbol when an attached object is modified. | |
Gets the direction of the x-axis of the symbol's ECS in WCS. | |
Gets the direction of the y-axis of the symbol's ECS in WCS. |
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