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ODA Drawings SDK
Working with Hatch Visualization Settings

This topic provides information about how to use specific system variables to adjust hatch visualization.


Use the HPMAXCONTOURPOINTS variable to set the maximum number of points on the contour (outline) that a hatch entity can contain and still be rendered. Hatches do not render if the number of points exceeds the specified value. This can reduce the render time while zooming in on hatches with a large number of contour points.

The default value of this variable is 100,000. Setting HPMAXCOUNTERPOINTS to 0 disables the check.

Access methods:

  • OdDbHostAppServices::getHPMAXCONTOURPOINTS();
  • OdDbHostAppServices::setHPMAXCONTOURPOINTS();


Use the HPCUTPOINTSLIMIT variable to set the maximum number of points to be used during rendering for the contour (outline) of a hatch entity. Hatch rendering is simplified by reducing the number of points on the contour if the number of points exceeds the HPCUTPOINTSLIMIT value. As a result, the hatch appears jagged. This setting reduces the render time of a hatch entity that contains a lot of points that are close enough to each other. If the number of points exceeds the limit, but all of them are far apart, the hatch is not simplified.

The default value of this variable is 7500. Setting HPCUTPOINTSLIMIT to 0 disables this check.

Access methods:

  • OdDbHostAppServices::getHPCUTPOINTSLIMIT();
  • OdDbHostAppServices::setHPCUTPOINTSLIMIT();


Use the HPSMOOTHEVALUATE variable to control whether a hatch is smoothed when a rendering device does not provide non-zero deviation. The default value is false.

The hatch entity must be added to the database before setting the HPSMOOTHEVALUATE variable. If the rendering device provides non-zero deviation values, enabling the HPSMOOTHEVALUATE variable can decrease rendering accuracy. Enabling the HPSMOOTHEVALUATE variable may require additional recalculations that can increase the total render time.

Access methods:

  • OdDbHostAppServices::getHPSMOOTHEVALUATE();
  • OdDbHostAppServices::setHPSMOOTHEVALUATE();
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