HPSMOOTHEVALUATE controls whether a hatch is smoothed when a rendering device does not provide non-zero deviation. The default value is 0. Value 0 means is turn off. HPSMOOTHEVALUATE controls the number of segments elliptical arcs, or circle arcs on intervals 0..Oda2PI. Only the database-resident hatch entity can use HPSMOOTHEVALUATE variable. If the rendering device provides non-zero deviation values, enabling the HPSMOOTHEVALUATE variable can decrease rendering accuracy. Enabling the HPSMOOTHEVALUATE variable may require additional recalculations that can increase the total render time. E.g.: For circle arc with interval 0..OdaPi with HPSMOOTHEVALUATE value of 128, will be generated 64 segments. For circle arc with interval 0..OdaPi/2 with HPSMOOTHEVALUATE value of 128, will be generated 32 segments.