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ODA Drawings SDK
Working with Hatches

A hatch is an entity that represents an area filled with a pattern or gradient that is bounded by a closed planar contour created from planar entities with which it is associated. Engineers use hatches for sectioning arrangements in drawings, for the texture of materials, and for gradient fields.

For more details, see the following topics:

Overview of Hatches

Working with Loops of Hatches

Working with General Properties of Hatches

Working with Pattern Properties of Hatches

Working with Gradient Properties of Hatches

Working with User-Defined Patterns of Hatches

Working with Hatch Visualization Settings

Example of Working with Hatches

A sample project of working with hatches is located in the Drawing\Examples\DevGuide\OdHatchEx subdirectory of the ODA installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Open Design Alliance).

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