API Reference > Classes > PRC Base Data Types Classes
PRC Base Data Types Classes

Class representing a repository for attribute data: title and variable number of key-value pairs. 

Class stores information about a bounding box, which has sides that are parallel to the XYZ coordinate planes. 

Class implements the PRC domain for surface uv-parameterization. 

Class stores information about intervals. 

Class implements PRC object identifier (ID) functionality. 

Class for storing and working with a curve domain and parameters. It contains an interval for specifying curve domain values and two coefficients (coeff_a and coeff_b) used to parameterize the curve to its implicit parameters. 

Class representing a unique identifier (UID). 

Class implements operations with user defined data. 

Class for storing and operating with surface parameterization. It contains a surface domain and four coefficients (u_coeff_a and v_coeff_a, u_coeff_b, and v_coeff_b) used to parameterize the surface to its implicit parameters. 

Structure stores special data for writing to an attribute. Special data can be read only by an external application. To determine the application of the read data, a default application ID is used, which is stored in the file structure the attribute belongs to. The custom application ID can be reset. 
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