API Reference > Classes > PRC Base Data Types Classes
PRC Base Data Types Classes Classes
PRC Base Data Types Classes  Legend

Class representing a repository for attribute data: title and variable number of key-value pairs. 

Class stores information about a bounding box, which has sides that are parallel to the XYZ coordinate planes. 

Class implements the PRC domain for surface uv-parameterization. 

Class stores information about intervals. 

Class implements PRC object identifier (ID) functionality. 

Class for storing and working with a curve domain and parameters. It contains an interval for specifying curve domain values and two coefficients (coeff_a and coeff_b) used to parameterize the curve to its implicit parameters. 

Class representing a unique identifier (UID). 

Class implements operations with user defined data. 

Class for storing and operating with surface parameterization. It contains a surface domain and four coefficients (u_coeff_a and v_coeff_a, u_coeff_b, and v_coeff_b) used to parameterize the surface to its implicit parameters. 
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