API Reference > Classes > PRC Base Data Types Classes > OdPrcUVParameterization Class
OdPrcUVParameterization Class
class OdPrcUVParameterization;



Class for storing and operating with surface parameterization. It contains a surface domain and four coefficients (u_coeff_a and v_coeff_a, u_coeff_b, and v_coeff_b) used to parameterize the surface to its implicit parameters.

This is the overview for the OdPrcUVParameterization constructor overload. 
This is the overview for the getImplicitDomain method overload. 
Returns the implicit u-parameter according to the current coefficient values and a specified parameter value.
Returns the implicit v-parameter according to the current coefficient values and a specified parameter value.
Retrieves the real parameter according to the current cofficient values and a specified implicit parameter value.
Retrieves the real U-parameter according to the current cofficient values and a specified implicit parameter value.  
Retrieves the real v-parameter according to the current cofficient values and a specified implicit parameter value.  
This is the overview for the set method overload. 
Returns the current uv parameter swap flag value. If returns true, uv parameters were swapped; returns false in the other case. 
Returns the current value of the u_coeff_a coefficient. 
Returns the current value of the u_coeff_b coefficient. 
Returns the current domain of the parameterization. 
Returns the current value of the v_coeff_a coefficient. 
Returns the current value of the v_coeff_b coefficient. 
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