API Reference > Classes > PRC Base Data Types Classes > OdPrcObjectId Class
OdPrcObjectId Class
class OdPrcObjectId;



Class implements PRC object identifier (ID) functionality.

This is the overview for the OdPrcObjectId constructor overload. 
Returns a pointer to the database with which the PRC object identifier is associated. Returns NULL if the identifier is not associated with any database. 
Returns the database handle of the object referenced by the PRC object identifier. Returns NULL if no database object is referenced by this PRC object identifier. 
Returns true if the PRC object associated with the identifier is erased or false in the other case. 
Returns true if the PRC object identifier is empty (NULL) or false in the other case. 
Returns true if the PRC object identifier is a valid object or false in the other case. 
This is the overview for the openObject method overload. 
Safely opens the database object associated with the identifier.
Sets the PRC object identifier to NULL. 
Checks if the PRC object identifier is NULL. Returns true if the identifier is NULL or false in the other case. 
Compares the PRC object identifier with another and returns true if the PRC object identifier is less than another ID or false in the other case.
This is the overview for the = operator overload. 
Compares the PRC object identifier with another and returns true if the PRC object identifier is equal to another ID or false in the other case.
Compares the PRC object identifier with another and returns true if the PRC object identifier is more than another ID or false in the other case.
details For PRC SDK internal use only. 
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