API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDb3dSolid Class > OdDb3dSolid Methods > createSweptSolid Method > OdDb3dSolid::createSweptSolid Method (OdDbEntity*, OdDbEntity*, OdDbSweepOptions&)
OdDb3dSolid::createSweptSolid Method (OdDbEntity*, OdDbEntity*, OdDbSweepOptions&)
virtual OdResult createSweptSolid(OdDbEntity* pSweepEnt, OdDbEntity* pPathEnt, OdDbSweepOptions& sweepOptions);
OdDbEntity* pSweepEnt 
[in] Pointer to face entity for sweeping.  
OdDbEntity* pPathEnt 
[in] Pointer to the curve entity that determines the path to sweep along.  
OdDbSweepOptions& sweepOptions 
[in] Sweep options.

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in other case.

Creates a swept solid by sweeping a curve, region, or planar surface along the specified path. 


To set optional sweep parameters (for example, draft angle) use the sweepOptions parameter. The default value for the alignment option of OdDbSweepOptions (returned by align() method) is kNoAlignment. Set it to kAlignSweepEntityToPath before calling this method. 

This method is implemented for Spatial modeler and partially for ModelerGeometry. ModelerGeometry implementation at almost all cases return eNotImplementedYet status.

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