API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDb3dSolid Class > OdDb3dSolid Methods > createExtrudedSolid Method > OdDb3dSolid::createExtrudedSolid Method (OdDbEntity*, OdDbSubentId&, OdGeVector3d&, OdDbSweepOptions&)
OdDb3dSolid::createExtrudedSolid Method (OdDbEntity*, OdDbSubentId&, OdGeVector3d&, OdDbSweepOptions&)
virtual OdResult createExtrudedSolid(OdDbEntity* pSweepEnt, const OdDbSubentId& faceSubentId, const OdGeVector3d& directionVec, OdDbSweepOptions& sweepOptions);
OdDbEntity* pSweepEnt 
[in] A pointer to the swept entity.  
const OdDbSubentId& faceSubentId 
[in] Object ID for the face that must be extruded.  
const OdGeVector3d& directionVec 
[in] Vector determining the direction and length of extruding.  
OdDbSweepOptions& sweepOptions 
[in] A set of sweeping options.

Returns eOk if extruding was successful or an appropriate error code in other case.

Creates a solid by extruding a face. 


Sweeping parameters (for example, angle) are set through the sweepOptions object reference. 

This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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