API Reference > Namespaces > OdDb Namespace > Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums

The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation.

This is record OdDb::CellAlignment. 
This is record OdDb::CellContentLayout. 
This is record OdDb::CellContentType. 
This is record OdDb::CellEdgeMask. 
This is record OdDb::CellMargin. 
This is record OdDb::CellOption. 
This is record OdDb::CellProperty. 
This is record OdDb::CellState. 
This is record OdDb::CellType. 
Specifies how the entity interacts with collision detection. 
This is record OdDb::DataLinkGetSourceContext. 
This is record OdDb::DataLinkOption. 
This is record OdDb::DeepCloneType. 
This is record OdDb::DimArrowFlags. 
Describes how duplicates of a linetype should be processed. 
The file OdaDefs.h contains const definitions of DuplicateRecordCloning values that do not require the "OdDb::" scope resolution qualifier. They should be used only if there will be no naming conflicts.
!When changing the enum is necessary to change value tags definitions in DbValueTypes.cpp 
Describes possible types of an endcap. !When changing the enum is necessary to change value tags definitions in DbValueTypes.cpp 
This is record OdDb::EntSaveAsType. 
Represents the fillet trimming mode. 
This is record OdDb::FlowDirection. 
This is record OdDb::GridLineStyle. 
This is record OdDb::GridLineType. 
This is record OdDb::GridLineTypes. 
This is record OdDb::GridProperty. 
This is record OdDb::IndexingModeFlags. 
Describes possible values of the lineweight endcaps for new entities. !When changing the enum is necessary to change value tags definitions in DbValueTypes.cpp 
Represents the system layer types. 
Specifies the normals of the lofted object where it passes through cross section curves. // !When changing the enum is necessary to change value tags definitions in DbValueTypes.cpp 
Specifies settings that affect the shape of the lofted solid or surface. 
Specifies options for merging cell styles. 
This is record OdDb::OpenMode. 
Flags that can be combined together (bit-wise) to describe a desired paging behavior. 
This is record OdDb::PathOption. 
This is record OdDb::Planarity. 
This is record OdDb::Poly2dType. 
This is record OdDb::Poly3dType. 
This is record OdDb::PolyMeshType. 
Determines how proxy images should be shown. 
This is record OdDb::RotationAngle. 
This is record OdDb::RowType. 
This is record OdDb::RowTypes. 
This is record OdDb::SaveType. 
This is record OdDb::SelectType. 
Enumeration representing flow direction options for table breaking. 
Enumeration representing table break options. 
Specifies the table copy options. 
This is record OdDb::TableFillOption. 
Enumeration representing the location of the item in the table. 
This is record OdDb::TableIteratorOption. 
This is record OdDb::TableStyleFlags. 
Determines what file encoding algorithm is used for functions that write data to a text file. 
Represents the old vesrion of Microsoft(R) timezone index reordering. 
This is record OdDb::UpdateDirection. 
This is record OdDb::UpdateOption. 
This is record OdDb::Vertex2dType. 
This is record OdDb::Vertex3dType. 
The file OdaDefs.h contains const definitions of Visibility values that do not require the "OdDb::" scope resolution qualifier. They should be used only if there will be no naming conflicts. 
This is record OdDb::XrefStatus. 
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