API Reference > Namespaces > OdDb Namespace > Structs, Records, Enums > OdDb::LoftNormalsType Enumeration
OdDb::LoftNormalsType Enumeration
enum LoftNormalsType { kLoftRuled = 0, kLoftSmooth = 1, kLoftFirstNormal = 2, kLoftLastNormal = 3, kLoftEndsNormal = 4, kLoftAllNormal = 5, kLoftUseDraftAngles = 6 };


kLoftRuled = 0 
!< Body or surface of the lofted object are specified with lines between cross section curves. 
kLoftSmooth = 1 
!< Body or surface of the lofted object are specified with smooth lines between cross section curves. 
kLoftFirstNormal = 2 
!< Normal of the lofted object surface is the normal to the first cross section curve as well. 
kLoftLastNormal = 3 
!< Normal of the lofted object surface is the normal to the last cross section curve as well. 
kLoftEndsNormal = 4 
!< Normal of the lofted object surface is also the normal to both first and last cross section curves. 
kLoftAllNormal = 5 
!< Normal of the lofted object surface is also the normal to all cross section curves. 
kLoftUseDraftAngles = 6 
!< Body or surface of the lofted object are specified with angle and cone constraints of the first and last cross section curves. 

Specifies the normals of the lofted object where it passes through cross section curves. // !When changing the enum is necessary to change value tags definitions in DbValueTypes.cpp

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