API Reference > Namespaces > OdDb Namespace > Structs, Records, Enums > OdDb::TableCopyOption Enumeration
OdDb::TableCopyOption Enumeration
enum TableCopyOption { kTableCopyOptionNone = 0, kTableCopyOptionExpandOrContractTable = 0x1, kTableCopyOptionSkipContent = 0x2, kTableCopyOptionSkipValue = 0x4, kTableCopyOptionSkipField = 0x8, kTableCopyOptionSkipFormula = 0x10, kTableCopyOptionSkipBlock = 0x20, kTableCopyOptionSkipDataLink = 0x40, kTableCopyOptionSkipLabelCell = 0x80, kTableCopyOptionSkipDataCell = 0x100, kTableCopyOptionSkipFormat = 0x200, kTableCopyOptionSkipCellStyle = 0x400, kTableCopyOptionConvertFormatToOverrides = 0x800, kTableCopyOptionSkipCellState = 0x1000, kTableCopyOptionSkipContentFormat = 0x2000, kTableCopyOptionSkipDissimilarContentFormat = 0x4000, kTableCopyOptionSkipGeometry = 0x8000, kTableCopyOptionSkipMerges = 0x10000, kTableCopyOptionFillTarget = 0x20000, kTableCopyOptionOverwriteReadOnlyContent = 0x40000, kTableCopyOptionOverwriteReadOnlyFormat = 0x80000, kTableCopyOptionOverwriteContentModifiedAfterUpdate = 0x100000, kTableCopyOptionOverwriteFormatModifiedAfterUpdate = 0x200000, kTableCopyOptionOnlyContentModifiedAfterUpdate = 0x400000, kTableCopyOptionOnlyFormatModifiedAfterUpdate = 0x800000, kTableCopyOptionRowHeight = 0x1000000, kTableCopyOptionColumnWidth = 0x2000000, kTableCopyOptionFullCellState = 0x4000000, kTableCopyOptionForRountrip = 0x8000000, kTableCopyOptionConvertFieldToValue = 0x10000000, kTableCopyOptionSkipFieldTranslation = 0x20000000 };


kTableCopyOptionNone = 0 
kTableCopyOptionSkipContent = 0x2 
Content is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipValue = 0x4 
If content is a value, it is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipField = 0x8 
If content is a field, it is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipFormula = 0x10 
If content is a formula, it is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipBlock = 0x20 
If content is a block, it is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipDataLink = 0x40 
Data links are not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipLabelCell = 0x80 
If content is a label cell, it is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipDataCell = 0x100 
If content is a data cell, it is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipFormat = 0x200 
Format is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipCellStyle = 0x400 
Cell style is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionConvertFormatToOverrides = 0x800 
Converts formats to overrides after copying. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipCellState = 0x1000 
Cell state is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipContentFormat = 0x2000 
Content format is not copied. Ignored if kTableCopyOptionSkipFormat is set. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipDissimilarContentFormat = 0x4000 
If content types are not the same, content format is not copied. Ignored if kTableCopyOptionSkipFormat or kTableCopyOptionSkipContentFormat is set. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipGeometry = 0x8000 
Geometric information (column width, row height, etc.) is not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionSkipMerges = 0x10000 
Cell merges are not copied. 
kTableCopyOptionFillTarget = 0x20000 
The target range is filled by repeatedly copying the source range. 
kTableCopyOptionOverwriteReadOnlyContent = 0x40000 
Overwrite a target cell if it has read-only content. 
kTableCopyOptionOverwriteReadOnlyFormat = 0x80000 
Overwrite a target cell if it has read-only format. 
kTableCopyOptionRowHeight = 0x1000000 
Row height is copied while copying cells. Ignored when whole table is copied or if kTableCopyOptionSkipGeometry is set. 
kTableCopyOptionColumnWidth = 0x2000000 
Column width is copied while copying cells. Ignored when whole table is copied or if kTableCopyOptionSkipGeometry is set. 
kTableCopyOptionFullCellState = 0x4000000 
The full cell state is copied in a table. 

Specifies the table copy options.

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