API Reference > Namespaces > OdDb Namespace > Structs, Records, Enums > OdDb::PagingType Enumeration
OdDb::PagingType Enumeration
enum PagingType { kUnload = 0x01, kPage = 0x02, kDoNotEnqueuePagingOnClose = 0x04 };


kUnload = 0x01 
Enables unloading of objects in a partially opened OdDbDatabase instance.
Closed objects will be unloaded from memory during the next call to OdDbDatabase::pageObjects. This behavior can be useful in environments with limited heap space (such as Windows CE). 
kPage = 0x02 
Enables paging of objects in an OdDbDatabase instance.
Closed Objects will be paged out during the next call to OdDbDatabase::pageObjects. Paging will be implemented via a client-supplied OdDbPageController instance. 
kDoNotEnqueuePagingOnClose = 0x04 
Disables automated object paging enqueuing in OdDbObject::release().
Closed Objects will be paged out during the next call to OdDbDatabase::pageObjects. Paging will be implemented via a client-supplied OdDbPageController instance. 

Flags that can be combined together (bit-wise) to describe a desired paging behavior.

  • OdDbPageController
  • OdDbDatabase::enqueuePaging
  • OdDbDatabase::pageObjects
  • Paging Support

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