API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLoftOptions Class > OdDbLoftOptions Methods
OdDbLoftOptions Methods

The methods of the OdDbLoftOptions class are listed here.

Returns the value of the direction alignment flag.
THe direction alignment flag is used to orient each of the cross sections so that the normal vector of each cross section points towards the next cross section. The default value is true. If the cross sections are not all oriented in the same direction, then this flag should be used to avoid creating a twisted or self-intersecting surface. 
Returns the flag determining whether arc length parameterization is applied. 
Checks whether cross section curves are valid for the lofting operation.
Checks whether guide curves are valid for the lofting operation.
Checks whether cross section curves and path curves are valid for the lofting operation.
Validates the loft options values.
Checks whether a path curve is valid for the lofting operation.
Returns the value of the closed flag.
If the closed flag is set to true, the created surface starts and ends at the first cross section (i.e. the surface is closed). If all of the cross sections are closed, the resulting surface takes a torus-like shape. If the closed flag is set to false, the surface is opened or capped with a planar surface at the first and last cross sections. If the flag is set, then there must be at least three cross sections.
The default value is false. 
Returns the end draft angle in radians. This is the surface take-off direction at the last cross section. The default value is 0; no draft angle is applied and the optimum angle is calculated at the last cross section. 
Returns the end draft magnitude.
The value returned by the method determines the magnitude of the surface tangent vector at the last cross-section. The default value is 0; the optimum magnitude is calculated at the last cross section. 
Returns the start draft angle in radians. This is the surface take-off direction at the first cross section. The default value is 0; no draft angle is applied and the optimum angle is calculated at the first cross section. 
Returns the start draft magnitude. The value returned by the method determines the magnitude of the surface tangent vector at the first cross-section. The default value is 0; the optimum magnitude is calculated at the last cross section. 
Returns the plane normal flag.
The default value of the flag is kNoNormal. 
Returns the flag determining whether the noTwist option is applied. THe option noTwist can be used to minimize the amount of twist in the surface when the cross-sections are all closed. The default value is true; the start point of each closed cross-section is aligned with the other cross-sections to minimize twist. 
Returns the value of the ruled flag.
If the flag is set to true, a ruled surface will be created between each pair of cross sections, which leads to a coarser surface. If the flag is set to false, then a single smooth surface is created. The default value is false. 
Sets the value of the direction alignment flag.
The direction alignment flag is used to orient each of the cross sections so that the normal vector of each cross section points towards the next cross section. The default value is true. If the cross sections are not all oriented in the same direction, then this flag should be used to avoid creating a twisted or self-intersecting surface.
Sets the flag determining whether arc length parameterization is applied.
Sets the value of the closed flag.
If the closed flag is set to true, the created surface starts and ends at the first cross section (i.e. the surface is closed). If all of the cross sections are closed, the resulting surface takes a torus-like shape. If the closed flag is set to false, the surface is opened or capped with a planar surface at the first and last cross sections. If the flag is set, then there must be at least three cross sections.
The default value is false.
Sets the end draft angle. This is the surface take-off direction at the last cross section. The default value is 0; no draft angle is applied and the optimum angle is calculated at the last cross section.
Sets the end draft magnitude.
The value set by the method determines the magnitude of the surface tangent vector at the last cross-section. The default value is 0; the optimum magnitude is calculated at the last cross section.
Sets the start draft angle. This is the surface take-off direction at the first cross section. The default value is 0; no draft angle is applied and the optimum angle is calculated at the first cross section.
Sets the start draft magnitude. The value set by the method determines the magnitude of the surface tangent vector at the first cross-section. The default value is 0; the optimum magnitude is calculated at the last cross section.
Sets the plane normal flag. The default value of the flag is kNoNormal.
Sets the flag determining whether the noTwist option is applied. The option noTwist can be used due to minimize the amount of twist in the surface when the cross-sections are all closed. The default value is true; the start point of each closed cross-section is aligned with the other cross-sections to minimize twist.
Sets loft options from the current values of system variables.
Sets the value of the ruled flag.
If the flag is set to true, a ruled surface will be created between each pair of cross sections, which leads to a coarser surface. If the flag is set to false, then a single smooth surface is created. The default value is false.
Sets the value of the simplify flag.
If the simplify flag is set to true, simple surface types (such as plane, cylinder, cone, sphere and torus) are created whenever all of the cross sections lie on such a surface. If the simplify flag is set to false, a general surface type will be created. The default value is true.
Sets the system variables values from loft options values.
Sets the virtual guide flag.
Returns the value of the simplify flag. If the simplify flag is set to true, simple surface types (such as plane, cylinder, cone, sphere and torus) are created whenever all of the cross sections lie on such a surface. If the simplify flag is set to false, a general surface type will be created. The default value is true. 
Returns the virtual guide option. 
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