API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLoftOptions Class > OdDbLoftOptions Methods > OdDbLoftOptions::checkPathCurve Method
OdDbLoftOptions::checkPathCurve Method
OdResult checkPathCurve(OdDbEntity * pPathCurve, bool displayErrorMessages = false);
OdDbEntity * pPathCurve 
[in] A pointer to the path curve (can be NULL).  
bool displayErrorMessages = false 
[in] Indicates whether error messages are displayed. Default value is false.

Returns eOk if a path curve is valid or eInvalidInput otherwise.

Checks whether a path curve is valid for the lofting operation. 


The method is called by createLoftedSurface() and createLoftedSolid() methods, so it is not necessary to call the method separately().

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