API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLoftOptions Class > OdDbLoftOptions Methods > OdDbLoftOptions::checkCrossSectionCurves Method
OdDbLoftOptions::checkCrossSectionCurves Method
OdResult checkCrossSectionCurves(OdDbEntityPtrArray& crossSectionCurves, bool& allOpen, bool& allClosed, bool& allPlanar, bool displayErrorMessages = false);
OdDbEntityPtrArray& crossSectionCurves 
[in] A list of cross-section curves.  
bool& allOpen 
[out] A passed-in parameter indicating whether all of the cross-section curves are open.  
bool& allClosed 
[out] A passed-in parameter indicating whether all of the cross-section curves are closed.  
bool& allPlanar 
[out] A passed-in parameter indicating whether all of the cross-section curves are planar.  
bool displayErrorMessages = false 
[in] Indicates whether error messages are displayed. Default value is false.

Returns eOk if curves are valid or eInvalidInput otherwise.

Checks whether cross section curves are valid for the lofting operation. 


The method is called by createLoftedSurface() and createLoftedSolid() methods, so it is not necessary to call the method separately().

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